General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone 4
Stichera for "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, "Having laid aside..."
1a. General Troparion of the Fathers "O God of our fathers..." (11/20/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
1b. General Troparion of the Fathers "O God of our fathers..." (11/20/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Apostles "O holy apostles..." (11/13/08)
Greek Chant, Tone 3
Kontakion of St. Bartholomew
Obikhod, Tone 4
Kontakion of St. Barnabas
Greek Chant, Tone 3
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" for St. Bartholomew (with Psalm verses for Sunday)
Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one Valiant"
Kontakion "Having cleansed thy radiant heart..."(6/26/09)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion "Having cleansed thy radiant heart..."(6/26/09)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"(6/26/09)
Optina Hermitage Melody, Tone 2, Special Melody "When from the Tree..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"(6/27/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 2
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion (melody in Soprano)
Obikhod, Tone 1 (revised 6/17/07)
Troparion (melody in Alto)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 1 (revised 6/17/07)
Obikhod, Tone 2
Another Kontakion
Obikhod, Tone 2 (revised 6/17/07)
*** Note: The texts used here are from the SJKP Menaion published in 1999. Music from the newly published June 2009 Volume will be made available for the feast in 2010.
Tone 5, Obikhod
Tone 4, Obikhod
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
1st set of stichera for "Lord I have cried", with Ps. verses for weekday
Tone 6, Kievan Chant
2nd set of stichera for "Lord I have cried", with Ps. verses for weekday (REVISED, pgs 6-7, 7/3/09)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
Doxasticon, Old Testament Readings, Litia, Aposticha
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
"We magnify..." (NEW 7/3/09)
Kievan Chant
Stichera on the Praises (NEW 7/3/09)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Special Melody "Having set all your hope..."
Kontakion (7/3/09)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion (7/3/09)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" (7/4/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 8, melody in Soprano
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" (7/4/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 8, melody in Alto
N. Bakhmetev. Court Chant, Tone 4
N. Bakhmetev. Court Chant, Tone 4
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion (with God is the Lord)
Moscow Synodal Choir Melody, Tone 4
Obikhod (abbreviated Greek), Tone 3
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" for a weekday
Text pointed for Kieven Chant, Tone 4
Old Testament Readings of Vespers, Litia Stichera
Stichera text pointed for Kievan Chant
Magnification (melody in Soprano)
Canon "O Thou Who wast born of the Virgin..."
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Stichera at the Praises (with Ps. verses for a weekday)
Optina Hermitage, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
Troparion of St. Febronia
Obikhod, Tone 4
Kontakion of St. Febronia
Obikhod, Tone 6
Kontakion of St. Febronia
var. on Obikhod, Tone 6
Obikhod, Tone 8
Obikhod, Tone 1
Stichera of "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most-glorious wonder..."
Obikhod Tone 4
Melody of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone 8
Stichera on the Praises (with verses for a Sunday)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
1a. Troparion
Obikhod Tone 4
1b. Troparion
Kievan, Tone 4
2. Kontakion (6/30/08)
Court Chant, Tone 2
3a. Stichera on "Lord, I have cried..." - "With what wreaths of praise..."for SUNDAY
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 2, Automelon (Samopodoben), melody in Soprano
3c. Stichera on "Lord, I have cried..." on SUNDAY
Kievan Chant, Tone 4, melody in Soprano
3b. Stichera on "Lord, I have cried..." - "With what wreaths of praise..." for WEEKDAY
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 2, Automelon (Samopodoben), melody in Soprano
4. Doxasticon of "Lord I have cried", Old Testament Readings, Litia Stichera
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
6. Glory & Both Now of Aposticha
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
7. Magnification
Obikhod Tone 4
Kievan, Tone 4
Kontakion of the 12 Apostles
Court Chant, Tone 2