Troparion of the Circumcision (revised 2/3/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 1
Troparion of St. Basil (revised 2/3/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 1
Kontakion of the Circumcision (revised 2/3/08)
Greek Chant, Tone 3
Kontakion of St. Basil (revised 2/3/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion of St. Basil (revised 2/3/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4, after B. M. Ledkovsky
Stichera for Vespers, when the Feast is on Sunday (1/25/07)
Kievan Chant, melody in Soprano
Stichera for Vespers, when the Feast is on a weekday (Revised 1/12/08)
Kievan Chant, melody in Soprano
Matins Beginning: Sessional hymns, Magnification, Prokeimenon, Hymns after Ps. 50 (1/12/08)
Kievan Chant, Znamenny, melody in Soprano
Magnification "We magnify..." (1/12/08)
Kievan Chant, melody in Soprano
Irmosi of the Canon, "Come ye people"; Refrains of the 9th Ode for weekday (1/12/09)
Tone 2 (with melody in Soprano)
Irmosi of the Canon, "Come ye people"; Refrains of the 9th Ode for weekday (Revised 1/12/09)
Tone 2 (with melody in Alto)
Prokeimena of Liturgy for January 1st when on Sunday
Troparion (1/14/07)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion (1/14/07)
Kievan, Tone 4
Kontakion (1/14/07)
Obikhod, Tone 2
General Troparion of the Apostles "O holy apostles..." (11/13/08)
Greek Chant
Kontakion of the Apostles (1/15/10)
Court Chant, Tone 2
Vespers Stichera (1/16/10)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
1a. Troparion with "God is the Lord"
Obikhod, Tone 4
1b. Troparion with "God is the Lord"
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
2. Kontakion
Obikhod, Tone 4
3. Another Kontakion
Obikhod, Tone 2
4a. Stichera of the Forefeast for "Lord I have cried" - on Sunday (1/16/09)
Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 6, Special Melody "On the third day...", mel. in Soprano
4b. Stichera of the Forefeast for "Lord I have cried" - on Sunday (1/16/09)
Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 6, Special Melody "On the third day...", mel. in Alto
4c. Stichera of the Forefeast for "Lord I have cried" - on Sunday (1/16/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6
5. Stichera of the Martyrs for "Lord I have cried" - on Sunday (1/17/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 4
6. Sticheron for Glory of "Lord I have cried" (1/17/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6
7. Sticheron for Glory of Aposticha (1/17/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6
8. Stichera for of the Praises, for on Sunday (1/17/09)
*** see January 6 for Great Blessing of Water
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6
1b. Troparion, melody in Alto (2/6/08)
Greek Chant (Grechesky), Tone 1
2a. Kontakion (2/6/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
2b. Kontakion (2/3/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4, after B. M. Ledkovsky
3. Stichera for "Lord I have cried" (1/18/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 2
4a. Magnification - melody in Alto (1/17/07)
4b. Magnification - melody in Soprano (1/17/07)
5. Matins Prokeimenon (1/17/08)
Znamenny Chant, Tone 4
6. 2 Canons, "The Lord mighty in battle...", "Israel passed through...", with refrains of 9th Ode
melody in Alto
7a. Exapostilarion, SAB or TTB (Revised 1/12/09)
Shevtsov, Kiev Caves Lavra Melody
7b. Exapostilarion, SSA (Revised 1/12/09)
Shevtsov, Kiev Caves Lavra Melody
8b. Antiphons and Prokeimenon of the Liturgy - melody in Alto (2/3/08)
Lesser Znamenny Chant
10. Instead of "It is truly meet"(Zadostoinik), the 1st Refrain of the 1st Canon, Irmos of the 2nd Canon
melody in Alto
11. Stichera for the Great Blessing of Water "The voice of the Lord..." (1/18/06)
Kievan Chant, Tone 8
12. Great Blessing of Water - Prokeimenon (REVISED 1/26/09)
Znamenny Chant, Tone 3
Troparion "The memory of the righteous" (1/18/08)
N. Bakhmetev Court Chant Obikhod, Tone 2
Kontakion (1/18/08)
N. Bakhmetev Court Chant Obikhod, Tone 6
Kontakion (1/18/08)
Variation on Obikhod, Tone 6
Stichera of Feast on "Lord I have cried", when on Sunday (1/22/08)
Psalm verses w/ pointed stichera text, Tone 2, Kievan
Stichera of Feast on "Lord I have cried", on Weekday (1/19/08)
Psalm verses w/ pointed stichera text, Tone 2, Kievan
Stichera of Forerunner on "Lord I have cried" (1/19/08)
Psalm verses w/ pointed stichera text, Tone 1, Kievan
Glory sticheron of "Lord I have cried"(1/19/08)
Glory w/ pointed stichera text, Tone 6, Kievan
Glory , Both now... Stichera of the Aposticha (1/19/08)
Glory w/ pointed stichera text, Tone 4, Kievan
Prokeimenon "The righteous man shall be glad..."(1/18/08)
Znamenny Chant, Tone 7
Stichera of Afterfeast for "Lord I have cried", on a Sunday
Optina Hermitage, Special Melody, Tone 6 "Go ye before us, ye angelic hosts"
Stichera of Afterfeast for Aposticha on a Weekday
Optina Hermitage, Special Melody, Tone 6 "Go ye before us, O angelic hosts"
1a. General Troparion of the Fathers "O God of our fathers..." (11/20/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
1b. General Troparion of the Fathers "O God of our fathers..." (11/20/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Stichera of Afterfeast for "Lord I have cried" & Aposticha
Stichera text pointed for Kievan Chant
1a. Kontakion of St. Tatiana (1/23/09)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
1b. Kontakion of St. Tatiana (1/23/09)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
2a. Stichera of Afterfeast on "Lord I have cried" (1/23/09)
Kievan, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Lord, even though Thou didst stand before the tribunal...", Melody in Soprano
2b. Stichera of Afterfeast on "Lord I have cried" (1/23/09)
Kievan, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Lord, even though Thou didst stand before the tribunal...", melody in Alto
2c. Stichera of Afterfest for "Lord I have cried" (1/24/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 8
3b. Stichera of St. Tatiana for "Lord I have cried" (1/24/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 2
4. Glory of "Lord I have cried", for on Sunday (1/24/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 5
6. Sticheron at Glory/both now of the Aposticha (1/24/09)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6